Top 3 Sushi Restaurants in Vancouver, BC Canada


If you're a close friend of mine, it's no secret that sushi is one of my favorite foods. In fact, if I had to choose one type of food to eat for the rest of my life it would be sushi. 

As a self-proclaimed sushi eating enthusiast, here's a list of my top 3 favorite sushi places located in the Greater Vancouver Area of British Columbia, Canada! 

1. Takenaka 
Located in Vancouver, BC

Always served with the highest quality ingredients and never disappoints! My favorite item to order is the Omakase Aburi Sushi. The price point is a little higher than most places, but when you're able to catch a good deal, it is definitely worth a try! 

2. Sushilovers
Located in Richmond, BC

It was love at first sight! Fresh ingredients with great customer service. Whether it's the classic rolls like California Roll or the fancier selections like Salmon Aburi, it's all around goodness with reasonable pricing! 

3. Sushi Mura
Located in Vancouver, BC

My favourite go-to restuarant when I want something quick and easy. Love sitting in the restaurant to catch up with friends as well. They've got amazing service and very nice ambiance.